coughing up green mucus during pregnancy

Coughs in pregnancy - Pregnancy health & safety - MadeForMums.
I've just started coughing up a lot of thick and dark green mucus.. ileus, in which the bowel is plugged up with meconium, a thick, dark, sticky .
Flu and coughing up green mucus. is this normal ? - Yahoo! Answers.
I also cough up dark green mucus, I have no fever, but I have a bad. you have a bacterial infection, and it sounds like its in your sinuses.
I am coughing up green mucus when I wake up in the morning (last.
9 wks pregnant and horrible congestion, coughing up green mucus.
Feb 16, 2008. 9 wks pregnant and horrible congestion, coughing up green mucus? Watch pediatrician Lisa Dana show how to get rid of lice in the house.
Nov 27, 2012. BabyCenter. Getting Pregnant. We also had vaporizer machine going in the room since his pedi said that's all she could suggest for his cough. Well today he started spitting up green mucus so I called pedi office. Nurse tells .
infection = green just remember that. Spores and bacteria in the air. It doesn't take much. You might want to clean up your environment to help .
Colds During Pregnancy - Cold and Flu -
coughing up green mucus during pregnancy
7week old coughing up green mucus?!?! - October 2012 Birth Club.
Im coughing up a yellowy brown mucus, should I be concerned.
arhhhh coughing up thick green mucus - Acid Reflux / GERD.
Aug 2, 2008. i have been coughing up thick green snot like muscus this coughing/ coughing up mucus .. Can you take PPI's while pregnant?
Firstly, if the phlegm is green, yellow or brown in color, it means that the body is in the midst of fighting an infection. Coughing up of dark brown .
But this morning, i woke up coughing a lot of mucus out and i've been spitting out .. What can I take for coughing up mucus while pregnant?
Apr 23, 2013. Ear, nose and throat – Coughing up thick. Treating Cough in Pregnancy Yellow mucus when blowing my nose. Please. Mucus (Snot, Phlegm) .
May 21, 2011. Pregnancy & Childbirth · Healthy Pregnancy. Another coughing fit hits him and he vomits some green mucus. What should you do? .. It is better for her to cough up the mucus so it doesn't sit in her lungs. It is also better to .
Pregnant...yellow phlegm? - Yahoo! Answers.
I'm coughing up green mucus with blood in it? - Yahoo! UK.
pregnant: Nervous. Need reassurance.