msdn mouse event args

MouseEventArgs Properties (System.Windows. - MSDN - Microsoft.
MouseEventArgs Properties.NET Framework 2.0. Public property, Location, Gets the location of the mouse during the generating mouse event. Public property .

MouseEventArgs.Delta Property (System. - MSDN - Microsoft.

OnMouseHover(e); } protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { // Make the cursor the Hand cursor when the mouse moves // over the button.
Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse during the generating mouse event.
Gets a value that specifies whether the control (CTRL) key was down when a mouse event occurred.
MouseEventArgs Properties (System.Windows. - MSDN - Microsoft.

Control.MouseWheel Event (System.Windows. - MSDN - Microsoft.

msdn mouse event args

Control.OnMouseMove Method (System. - MSDN - Microsoft.
Properties. Name, Description. Public property.
Windows 98, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows .
MouseEventArgs.LeftButton Property (System. - MSDN - Microsoft.
MouseEventArgs.MouseDelta | mouseDelta. - MSDN - Microsoft.

Control.MouseUp Event (System.Windows.Forms) - MSDN - Microsoft.

Properties. Name, Description. Public property.
Windows 98, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows .
Gets a value that indicates the change in the screen location of the mouse pointer since the last mouse event.

msdn mouse event args

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