deadenylation of mrna

c-Jun ARE targets mRNA deadenylation by an EDEN-BP (embryo.
We have previously observed rapid and strong inhibition of mRNA deadenylation and degradation in response to UV-B light [Gowrishankar et al., Biol. Chem.
Transient translational silencing by reversible mRNA deadenylation. Huarte J, Stutz A, O'Connell ML, Gubler P, Belin D, Darrow AL, Strickland S, Vassalli JD.
The complex of the yeast Lsm1p-7p proteins with Pat1p is an important mRNA decay factor that is involved in translational shutdown of deadenylated mRNAs .
J Biol Chem. 2006 Feb 17;281(7):4517-22. Epub 2005 Nov 28. Inhibition of mRNA deadenylation by the nuclear cap binding complex (CBC). Balatsos NA .

deadenylation of mrna
Inhibition of mRNA deadenylation and degradation by different types.Nucleolin mediates microRNA-directed CSF-1 mRNA deadenylation.
Jul 14, 2008. Abstract. Deadenylation is the major step triggering mammalian mRNA decay. One consequence of deadenylation is the formation of .
GO:0043928 exonucleolytic nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic.
deadenylation of mrna
In vitro deadenylation of mammalian mRNA by a HeLa cell 3.We have previously observed rapid and strong inhibition of mRNA deadenylation and degradation in response to UV-B light [Gowrishankar et al., Biol. Chem.
Transient translational silencing by reversible mRNA deadenylation. Huarte J, Stutz A, O'Connell ML, Gubler P, Belin D, Darrow AL, Strickland S, Vassalli JD.
AUUUA sequences direct mRNA deadenylation uncoupled from.
Mechanisms of deadenylation-dependent decay.
A novel embryonic poly(A) binding protein, ePAB, regulates mRNA.
ID, GO:0043928. Name, exonucleolytic nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process involved in deadenylation-dependent decay. Ontology, Biological Process.
Sep 17, 2010. The human Pat1b protein: a novel mRNA deadenylation factor identified by a new immunoprecipitation technique. Totaro A, Renzi F, La Fata G, .
Mar 13, 2008. The BTG2 protein is a general activator of mRNA deadenylation. Mauxion F, Faux C, Séraphin B. CNRS, Equipe Labellisée La Ligue, Centre .